Friday, March 18, 2005

Fine afternoon

a story: fine afternoon

On a beautiful sunny afternoon, Suzy decided to take her little baby brother Zack to the backyard for a fruit picnic. So she made a big mess in the kitchen cutting up fruits such as apples, strawberries (which are Suzy's favourite), some bananas, oranges, blueberries, kiwifruit, and green and purple grapes. They packed all their pieces of fruit into Suzy's red plastic toy picnic basket, and brought their soft duvet as a picnic blanket to sit on, as a duvet is much more comfortable than a normal picnic mat. They sat in the soil where the flower plantations grew, and as they sat and ate they realised that they were not alone. Within about thirty minutes of settling down, they felt a very strong presence around them. Suzy looked around, turning her head from left to right, and checking behind her, she held little Zack's hand as she checked all around. Sure enough, they had been surrounded, by many many insects! There were about ten times one dozen of them around, and they were edging closer. Suzy leaned in closer to see them, and discovered they were really closer than she had thought! For on her little container of strawberries there sat five ladybirds, and crawling through the apples were green catipillars, amongst the bluberries little spiders were beginning to spin their webs, and settling on the green grapes were praymantises, who were chasing and eating up the dandy long legs that were hiding amongst the purple grapes. They were in insects kingdom! And with wasps and bees buzzing around sucking the polland from the flowers, and ants crawling into the warm feathers inside their flat duvet, they felt like they had intruded into another world. However, though Suzy was a tiny bit scared, Zack seemed right at home, he loved the little things crawling onto his body, they were cute and very exquisit. So Suzy decided that for her brother's sack, she would stay, she would stay and share her delicious pieces of packed fruit with the little insects, for it was really the least she could do for invading into their extraordinary insect kingdom.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A really cool photo and poster, this is my favourite Luis Vuitton advert so far, and it's brought out Christina Ricci's character really well.  Posted by Hello

wednesday night

Tonite i didn't do anything special. I watched Lost, and South Park. South Park was hilarious as usual. There was a kid named Jimmy who is taking part in the 'special' olympics, (like paralympics) and he's taking steriods, so another kid who is also handicapped named Timmy tries to tell someone. Timmy's disability is ...the only word he can say is Timmy. So, this was his discription to the counsellor when he tried to blow Jimmy's cover...

"Timmy, timmy,timmy, ..................timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy,timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, ...............timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, timmy, TIMMY timmy, timmy."

And the counsellor was like..."um... i'm sorry, i didn't quiet catch that"
It's genius!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

tuesday night

Tuesday night is pretty boring, aside from completing a few tasks that i'm obliged to do, i havn't done anything special. The highlight of the night was changing my desktop wallpaper. Tonight i opted for an image that is calm, more spatious, and is one of those pictures that seem like there's a story behind it. I like those because you can imagine a whole world behind one picture, because it is open ended and the frame show you only as much as you need to know to think up the rest of the sequence of images yourself. I think it is similar to watching a film, because a film only shows you two hours of edited footage, and the rest of the story is only implied, but is "supposed" to have really happened. The audience has to figure out the non diegetic stuff, at least good films do this so that people can use their imagination and brain to figure out what the whole story is. Maybe this is why people like looking at pictures and paintings too, because some pictures can be radical, or closed up in some way that a viewer will be attracted to it by its unique kind of mystery, or its complex technique (which is also another form of mystery) that they are drawn to it and can stand to hang it up on their wall and look at it for years and years to come. Its not so much the picture itself that is good, but your relationship to it, and how much you can figure into it, or imagine out of it. Anyway, i always like my wallpapers more when they are animated, as opposed to more realist. I think animation creates even more of a distance between me and the picture, that i will like it more because it is more fantastical, and far from reality so that i can imagine more, or get a greater vibe from it than a realist picture. Anyway, that is my picture, i wont post it because after all the above, people'll probably be disappointed.
So that was my tuesday night, aside from writing in this blog.

Friday, March 04, 2005

sheena's first blog


This is sheena's first blog. I have to say i am astonished at myself for being here, because the first time i heard about online diaries and blogs. I had formed a more negative impression in my mind toward it. I didn't really see the need to post one's personal thoughts and activities online, and thought that it was an extended way to meet people online. But after seeing my friends' blogs i've realised its actually alright. Since most people online send their blogs to friends anyway, its kind of like a done up email. What i have noticed about my friends' blogs is that rather than posting thoughts or information specifically about themselves, it functioned more as a forum to express opinions about stuff, and to share tastes (mvs, music, events) This makes it all quiet interesting to read, because alot of the converstion you are able to express what you think as well. So from now on, i'll post up stuff that others can comment on too.