Friday, March 04, 2005

sheena's first blog


This is sheena's first blog. I have to say i am astonished at myself for being here, because the first time i heard about online diaries and blogs. I had formed a more negative impression in my mind toward it. I didn't really see the need to post one's personal thoughts and activities online, and thought that it was an extended way to meet people online. But after seeing my friends' blogs i've realised its actually alright. Since most people online send their blogs to friends anyway, its kind of like a done up email. What i have noticed about my friends' blogs is that rather than posting thoughts or information specifically about themselves, it functioned more as a forum to express opinions about stuff, and to share tastes (mvs, music, events) This makes it all quiet interesting to read, because alot of the converstion you are able to express what you think as well. So from now on, i'll post up stuff that others can comment on too.


Blogger YW said...

yay! what a nice surprise to see this! :)

michelle my love, hope you are not too upset about once again someone spoiling your "first to comment" heeheehee.

but coming back from town around this time and still randomly go online (instead of to bed), I think I deserve this :P

7:11 AM  

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