Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Its getting warmer

Hey! The weather is getting warmer and warmer, its time to shave those legs (and armpits) and its time to put away the big dreary dark coats and take out all the various colours of cardigans to wear. You can winde your windows down in the morning, and enjoy the sun in your lunchbreak. Also, its the perfect season to wear almost whatever you like cos not TOO hot and not TOO cold, you can get away with abit of winter and a bit of sunner. A change of weather means a change of hairstyle, me i'm growing my hair long for the summer, and will cut it short again for the winter. Also, weather changes bring about new possibilities, new things you can do, new people you may meet because of those new activities. And, it is a good time to think about the long end of year break, and to start planning a perfect non wasted break. All in all, everything's looking up, theres much to look forward to. So embrace the slow change and enjoy this time!



Blogger YW said...

You've been tagged!

Write down 5 strange habits of yours and post them on your blog. Then choose 5 friends to pass the blog tag to. Remember to leave a comment on their blog so that they know they've been tagged.

(Mine are on my xanga blog :)

9:23 PM  
Blogger YW said...

This at least gives you a reason to blog- now you have something to blog about!

9:24 PM  

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