Thursday, March 29, 2007

Falling off the cliff

One nice story from a book i read once, was those few little pages about the title of the book. What happens is there's this cliff, and on the cliff are all these children playing in a big pretty field of rye. They're playing with a ball or something and playing catch, with their eyes and noses in the air. And they're so busy watching their game and watching their ball with their eyes upward that they don't notice when they fall off the edge of this their death! So, the catcher in the rye is this boy, the main character...whose name i forget actually, Weatherfield or something. He is the young man standing at the edge catching all the children who falls,.. and in case they fall.

That was such a nice chunk of the book, it was significant for what the book was. Loosing yourself in the things you do, the things that occupy you, and all of a sudden, you fall! And never get back to the ryefield. Maybe it's like you loosing sense of yourself, or loosing sense of...the person you had wanted to become, or turn out. Instead, you got too busy, too distracted with all these other things, your direction diverted, you turned out completely different. Not what you had wanted, expected. Maybe you don't mind the way you turned out, but perhaps you could have been better if you'd stuck to your expectations. You'd have become the person you wanted at least. Gotta catch yourself before you fall off the cliff. Forget the stupid ballgame. Watch out for the cliff.


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