The OC
I was rereading some of my past blog entries and i realised that the ones i enjoy reading the most are the ones that are not so much insights, but the ones in which i would severely diss something or someone!
Therefore, i've decided to enter another like it, cos it's actually way fun too. And i have chosen.......brom brom brom (drumroll) other then........the (FUCKING) O.C , apparently stands for The Orange County, where many rich americans apparently live.
The O.C with all its blandly beautiful girls and such fucking wussy looking guys! (Never actually go out with in a million centuries) With melodramatic mums and even worse dads, strutting around in their humungous mansions with so much stuff (!) Does an average household actually NEED so much stuff? I would be worried if even close to 30% of people living in Orange County do actually own that much stuff. And ohh so many worries.
Let's see, those people are: young, expectedly and quiet boringly gorgeous, filthy rich, healthy, lots of proepects, have support from family, and have their whole life ahead of them... So what actually is the show about? Actually i've only watched a total of about 4 minutes of it in my life, but just the way it was set and the way they spoke (!) was enough to put me off it....FOREVER. I mean, do nomal people actually talk like that? With every third word being a 4 syllable word? The dialogue is way overdone, yeah, we get it , they're supposed to be promising young intelligent branded college wall street future of what american elite class stands for kids. Fuck! See you never hear them say that. And that's the smartist of them all, the word can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, all sorts.
ANyway, it's a pretty terrible show. The worst part of it all is that it actually took the world by storm. I think people don't so much watch it for the plot as such, but half of it is watching their lifestyle, their impossibly fake falsely portrayed lifestyle. All their stuff, clothes, guys, it's all there, just the actual life is missing that's all. And that's filled by the drama plots-that are only ever within their elite clique and are never anything major-like starving to death or anything to do with the REST of the god damn world. People aspire to it, and i think that's why they love it.
But really, you must know this. It is in fact, utter, total, and complete shit. It should be called THe O.C, standing for: The Offical Cocksuckers. That's the real name
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